Have you been considering electric dental handpieces in lieu of air-driven handpieces in your practice? These handpieces are quickly growing in popularity. It is no wonder, considering that they are powerful instruments with an exceptional level of precision.

While it is true that electric handpieces a bit more expensive than air-driven handpieces, there are many benefits to be experienced. Here, you will learn the advantages that electric models will provide you.
Benefit #1: Constant Speeds and Torque Levels
The first benefit of electric handpieces is that they maintain a consistent speed while in use. Torque levels are also consistent.
This helps to reduce unforeseen stalls and speed variations when utilizing the device on dense materials and to cut through dental crowns.
Loads do not seem to interfere with speed and torque in electric handpieces while air-driven dental handpieces are negatively impacted by loads.
Benefit #2: Smooth, Even, Precise Margins
Air-driven dental handpieces often wobble and vibrate. This results in various types of irregularities in cuts in the preparation margin.
Electric dental handpieces create a type of concentric motion that can be maintained over the course of a job. This helps to ensure that the same margin is smooth, even, and as precise as possible.
Benefit #3: Reduced Levels of Noise
While it is true that no dental handpiece on today’s market is 100% quiet, the electric handpiece emits a significantly lower level of noise than the air-driven dental handpiece. Air dental instruments often emit a very high pitch sound.
Not only can this prove to be detrimental to your hearing as time progresses, but it can increase patient anxiety and discomfort levels.
The lower emitted sounds from electric instruments are better for both you and your patients.
Benefit #4: Operating Speed Control
Being that electric dental handpieces are not typically burdened by the load in which they are subjected, you are better able to control the speed of the motor. This is highly beneficial when performing certain types of procedures. In fact, many of today’s models have a digital-based display that will allow you to see and maintain the speed of operation.
Parts and Repairs
We here at Hughes Dental offer a large assortment of parts for electric handpieces and specialize in the repair of all electric modeled handpieces.
We even offer several different types of electric handpieces for your practice.
Additionally, we specialize in the maintenance of your cherished handpieces.
If you would like to learn more, simply contact us today for more information by calling: