High quality and properly functioning tools are important in any profession. It’s even more important when you’re talking about dental tools.
For a dentist or hygienist having dental handpieces that are functioning at 100% means that you can complete whatever procedure you are doing in a timely manner, with as little discomfort to the patient as possible.
This is especially important if you are a family practice frequently relying on repeat business. After all, a painful trip to the dentist will make anyone reluctant to go back.
For this reason, most dental offices make sure that the tools that they are using are repaired or replaced regularly. However, replacing tools every time they fall into disrepair can become expensive. This will drive up the operating costs of a dental practice quicker than almost anything else.
That is why it is incredibly important that as a dental professional, you make sure that you have a strong working relationship with an equipment repair facility that you can trust, one that holds quality control in the highest regards. A company that has the experience and certifications that will enable them to repair your tools with confidence, one that will not only do a great job but one that will stand behind their work and all the while offer their services at a fair cost.
Hughes Diversified Dental has the experience needed to ensure that your handpiece is repaired with the utmost care. Whether it be high speed, low speed, air driven or electric, even surgical handpieces, Hughes Diversified Dental has the experience required to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the repairs that are done to your tools. No longer is it necessary to replace your handpieces as often. See our Services Page for more details.
Not only can we repair your hand tools for you, but if you are confident enough to do the repairs yourself we also offer a full range of parts and pieces from all the major brands including but not limited to, Midwest, Star, Kavo, Lares, Impact Air and Sirona. We have a full line of lubricants and cleaning supplies, as well as dental evacuation systems and suction line maintenance products. Head over to our Store for your maintenance needs.
What about if one of your dental handpieces is beyond repair though? That is not a problem either. Hughes Diversified Dental also offers a full line of New dental handpieces at fair prices. So, we not only have you covered when you are in need of repair, they are truly a one stop shop for all your handpiece needs.
Call us today if you have any questions about your Dental Handpiece Repair.