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How to Properly Care for Your Dental Handpieces

Despite the fact that your dental practice is likely exceptionally busy and very demanding, it is imperative to learn how to properly care for your dental handpieces. These instruments are ones that you work with on a daily basis, whether low-speed or high-speed or ceramic ball bearings. They are designed to allow your practice to experience years of unwavering service, but, only when properly cared for and maintained. In order to ensure that your handpieces are in top working order, you should read and follow all the manufacturer’s instructions when it comes to cleaning and lubricating the handpieces, and autoclaving. In this guide, you will be introduced to the information that you will need to know in order to keep your dental handpieces performing at an optimal level.

dental tools

Cleaning and Lubrication Steps
Cleaning and lubrication are two measures that must be taken seriously when it comes to the proper care of your dental handpieces. The following outlines four steps to ensure the optimal performance of your dental instruments:

1. Clean Your Handpiece

Prior to sterilizing your dental handpieces, it is important that they are cleaned by using a mild detergent that is germicidal in nature but not a disinfectant. Isopropyl alcohol may also be used in to clean the handpiece exterior. You may use a toothbrush or a specially-designed instrument brush in order to clean all of the external regions of your dental handpieces. Be certain to pay close attention to the threads and the knurled-based grips on the instrument. Once you have cleaned the dental handpieces, you should operate the instrument for about a minute in an effort to purge any of the cleansing solution that remains, prior to the sterilization process. Additionally, you should never initiate the sterilization process with the bur or the blank within the handpiece.

2. Lubrication

Before starting the sterilization process starts, you should lubricate the heads, the nosecones, and the contra angles of all your handpieces are properly lubricated.

3. Flush Lubrication

Once you lubricate before sterilization, you should connect your dental handpieces to a special air supply unit and operate it for up to a minute. This will aid in expelling any type of excess lubricant.

4. Sterilization

When sterilizing your dental handpieces, you should avoid engaging in the dry heat method; instead, you should opt for the autoclave method or for the chemiclave method.

Your dental handpieces should never be placed in any type of product that contains glutaraldehydes, alcohol phenols, or chlorines. All of these substances have been known to damage and/or corrode certain types of metals that are commonly used on handpieces.

As you can see, there are many different cleaning and lubrication steps that should be performed when it comes to properly caring for your dental handpieces. If you need step by step maintenance procedure you can download our maintenance brochure.

If your practice is like most, it is quite likely that you have difficulty tending to the care and needs of your instruments. If this is the case, you may contact us here at Hughes Dental. Not only are we certified to properly care for your dental handpieces, but we offer the most competitive prices and the highest selection of tools and parts. To learn more, call us today at: 800-773-0800

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