Most dental professionals believe that they have a good handle on what it takes to keep their dental handpieces running optimally; however, data derived from technicians tell a completely different story. According to those that specialize in dental handpiece repair, most of the malfunctions and failures with these dental instruments could have been prevented by performing simple steps on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, very little information is available on how to keep dental handpieces up and running, without complication. That is the purpose and intent of this guide; to inform you how to maximize the return on investment of the handpieces that you utilize in your practice.
Dental Handpiece Selection
Dental professionals have numerous choices, in terms of handpieces. Examples of the current options include high-speed, low-speed, air-driven, and electric. All in all, the choice boils down to personal preference, details of the practice, and budget. Regardless of which type of handpiece is chosen, each will require regular maintenance. To effectively streamline the amount of maintenance that will need to performed and the time spent on such endeavors, it is essential to opt for a high-quality dental handpiece for your practice. While you may be tempted to opt for an inexpensive instrument, this is not advised, as it could result in higher costs, over time.
Cost of Ownership
In order to maximize your return on investment of your dental handpieces, you should use a special formula called “cost of ownership” in order to determine the best instrument for your practice. The following outlines this formula:
- First, write down the purchase price of the dental handpiece.
- Then, add the service plan and/or the extended warranty that is part of the purchase.
- Immediately thereafter, add what it would cost to do the maintenance on the handpiece, as well as any costs associated with supplies.
- Then, figure out how much it would cost in terms of lost productivity if the product fails.
- Finally, subtract the value that it provided to your practice while in use at the end of its life.
Standard Maintenance
Once figuring out the “cost of ownership”, you will then have to determine the standard maintenance that will be required, over time, to maintain your dental handpiece. This is not the professional maintenance that you will need, but rather the maintenance that your dental practice is able to perform. Examples of this type of maintenance include removing biological matter, cleaning the fiber-optic glass, and maintaining a proper lubrication cycle. Always follow our best maintenance procedures as outlined in our maintenance guide.
A high-quality dental handpiece is the secret to ensuring longevity and the return on your investment. There are many maintenance steps that your practice may take; however, professional maintenance will also be required. By estimating the cost of ownership, ensuring in-house maintenance, and properly caring for your dental handpieces, you are sure to find that they result in immense profits for your practice.