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Avoid Dental Evacuation System Service Issues with These Tips

Avoid Dental Evacuation System Service Issues with These Tips

Dental practitioners know and understand the importance of the dental evacuation system within their facility when it comes to patient procedures. In most practices, cleaning of the dental evacuation system is a part of their daily maintenance schedule.

Unfortunately, this process is typically done by hand and by an individual that has little to no prior experience in completing the task.

This is an unpleasant task due to the nastiness of the collection points. As a result, the person assigned to it is often working as quickly as possible to clean the system. Furthermore, it is very difficult to do a thorough job because of the inaccessibility of the lumens.

Eventually, the system presents hygiene and health issues for both the practitioner and the patient. Most dental practitioners opt to have their dental evacuation system serviced and maintained by a professional. In this guide, you will be presented with a variety of tips that can help your practice avoid potentially costly service issues. While regular maintenance DOES need to be performed for everyone’s safety, costly repairs and the need to replace an evacuation system may be successfully avoided by following the tips outlined below:

  1. It is crucial to ensure that the main regulator of air – which is situated inside of the junction box – is set to 80 psi or lower. If the gauge of the evacuation system is higher than 80 psi, it is too high. It could result in damage directly to the system’s diaphragms, the valves that are responsible for water relay processes, and the air-based electrical systems.
  2. Make certain that you avoid using disinfectants in the system that governs your water that have not been approved for your system. If you do use the improper disinfectant, it could result in direct damage of the seals.
  3. If the dental evacuation system in your practice has a dryer system, you must ensure that it is periodically checked for optimal operation. If you fail to take this measure, water condensation from the central-based compressor of air may find its way into the air lines of the evacuation system. If water invades the water lines, the valves of the system may start to stick and/or malfunction.
  4. If your practice uses high speed dental handpieces, the quick couplers could cause many issues. Examples include low pressure and water being dispelled into the recovery jar where oil mist is located. You must have maintenance regularly performed on the gaskets and the O-rings of your system to avoid these complications. Additionally, it is imperative that the coupler is securely tightened at all times to the tubing device as this aids in the prevention of leaks.
  5. When cleaning the dental evacuation system in your practice, you must follow the instructions issued by the manufacturer of the unit -ensuring that you only use limited amounts of water to engage in the flushing process. If you use too much water, you could “flood” the system. This, in turn, pulls in debris at the vacuum pump.

If you have any questions about dental evacuation system cleaners, you may contact us here at Hughes Dental today.

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