Get Premier Access Dental Repairs and Sales

Get Premier Access Dental Repairs and Sales – Hughes Diversified Dental Repair and Sales If you are a dental professional that seeks premier access dental repairs and sales, you will be pleased to know that Hughes Diversified Dental Repair and Sales is now offering...
Midwest Shorty Tech Tip

Midwest Shorty Tech Tip

Here is a tech tip for  Midwest Shorty users from Hughes Dental LLC, a  family owned handpiece repair company that has been a trusted repair center for over 17 years.  If the Midwest Shorty suddenly no longer operates, make sure the forward/reverse valve is fully...

Thank you Ohio Dental Association!

None of us say “Thank You” enough.  Not to our families, our friends, not to our customers and probably never to our suppliers and vendors. I have to say that I have some of the best customers around and some really superior vendors.  One of those deserving “thanks”...